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Artist Blacksmith Association South Australia



Our association has embarked on developing a Safe Work System to accomodate the legal requirements developed and implemented by our insurance provider.

Our first measure towards implementing this system is to develop a series of S.O.P (Safe Operating Procedures) for every piece of plant, equipment and process currently in use at our Penfield Forge.

In order for us to comply with these requirements, our members will be required to review and understand each S.O.P and be registered on a database as having reviewed them, in order to be covered under our respective insurance policies.

We are fortunate to have the services of two very qualified Occupation and Health members to assist us in developing the required policies and documentation.

This safety program will be ongoing from this point in time, and other processes will be implemented in due course. Members will be emailed the current list of SOP’s and are invited to read them.

The ABASA Secretary will administer a database of members who have undertaken the indoctrination. It is vital that members undertake this task swiftly, and contact the Secretary to be signed off.

As you can imagine, this is a massive task to administer for all concerned, so we need everyone to take part and complete this program.

A collection of the documents will be available for reference on our website and will be updated when required.