A.B.A.S.A. News
April 3rd 2016 COMING EVENTS Even though the weather is cooling it is just warming up for us. We have a few events to cover… Read More »A.B.A.S.A. News
I was the Secretary of A.B.A.S.A and have been since our inception. I am now located in NSW and my role has been taken over by Angie Cameron, who is doing a fantastic job. My current role in the association, is to assist in keeping our members informed where I can. As well, I am the editor of our newsletter 'The Bellows'. I try to make regular visits to SA and to our forge when I can. I also manage our web page and try to keep it up to date. I'm happy to help anyone with their queries or pass on what knowledge I possess in the realm of Blacksmithing. Give me a call or email.
April 3rd 2016 COMING EVENTS Even though the weather is cooling it is just warming up for us. We have a few events to cover… Read More »A.B.A.S.A. News
RIVERTON We had a top day at Riverton on Sunday 10th. The new forge has come up really well after the reno’s. More light, space… Read More »ABASA News April 2016
Please scroll down to the bottom of the page for the latest news. April 2016 COMING EVENTS Even though the weather is cooling it is… Read More »2016 ABASA News Articles
Hello to all our members and friends in the blacksmithing world. Welcome to our new website. I trust you will have an easy and rewarding… Read More »The Editors Blog